46 images Created 17 Apr 2019
I JUST WANT A NORMAL LIFE #2: living on the prison island of Gorgona.
Il carcere sull’isola paradiso di Gorgona è l’ultima colonia penale europea, che ospita 96 detenuti e 26 guardie carcerarie. I detenuti si dedicano ad attività legate all'agricoltura e alla pastorizia. Gorgona è considerato un modello per una pena detentiva dal volto umano, ma la mancanza di fondi rischia di far fallire il progetto. Il Reportage fotografico racconta la vita quotidiana dei detenuti e delle guardie carcerarie sull’isola…
The prison on the island paradise of Gorgona is the last European penal colony, home to 96 prisoners and 26 prison guards. The prisoners are engaged in activities related to agriculture and sheep farming. Gorgona is seen as a model for a humane prison sentence, but the lack of funds threatens to bankrupt the project. The photographic reportage tells the daily life of prisoners on the island…
The prison on the island paradise of Gorgona is the last European penal colony, home to 96 prisoners and 26 prison guards. The prisoners are engaged in activities related to agriculture and sheep farming. Gorgona is seen as a model for a humane prison sentence, but the lack of funds threatens to bankrupt the project. The photographic reportage tells the daily life of prisoners on the island…